This morning, I woke up to my alarm feeling violently groggy—almost hungover (even though I haven’t had alcohol in weeks). My sleep-aid app told me my sleep quality over the night was around 45%…my record low.
I forced myself out of bed more reluctantly than usual, went downstairs, and after going to the bathroom, did what I always do to start my day: drink a full glass of cold water.
Most of us don’t drink enough H2O. Even more don’t drink water right when we wake up, which should blow our minds when you think about the fact that your body has gone 7-10 hours (often times more) without water. It’s hard to fill up while you’re sleeping.
After my second glass, the fog began to fade. It felt as though I was coming back to life. Much of our exhaustion in the early morning could be eased by simply drinking some fucking water.
A water bottle helps. Fill it the night before and keep it cold in the fridge. It also helps you drink more throughout the day, and is perfect to take to a place like Chipotle (no wasting their cup and no temptation to get soda [poison water]). I prefer a Nalgene because it’s simple, cheap, and dishwasher-safe. If you feel like splurging, Yeti or Hydroflask are companies which offer great quality bottles. Perfect for camping or any activities where you don’t have time/access to keep refilling.
In honor of the cells in your body—before you reach for the coffee, drink a glass of cold water.