In creating “self-help” content, one of the deepest criticisms I have received is that I make it sound too easy to get your shit together, especially when it comes to people with paralyzing depression whom simply getting out of bed in the morning is a win. As if I’m saying, “all you have to do is acquire these awesome habits and you’ll be become super productive and get in great shape.”
This shit is hard, people. That’s why people get inspired by motivational speakers. That’s why people hire personal trainers and nutritionists. When left to our own devices, we are often shitty managers of our personal well-being.
I’ll clear the air with some sort of video in the future, but:
– No amount of personal development is a substitute for professional help if you require it.
– If you have some sort of debilitating mental or physical disability, my stuff isn’t for you.
My stuff is for the people like me, who for so long, simply lacked the ability to force myself to do things I knew were good for me, but didn’t feel like doing. Watch this video. Joe Rogan does a fantastic job of articulating this in terms of exercise.
The vast majority of us think we can’t do something, but we simply lack the ability to force ourselves to do it. This ability can be learned, and it can be trained like a muscle. I have experienced it firsthand.