I’m in Philadelphia visiting two of my best friends.
Connor, Laura, Dill.
(This picture was taken last year.)
They hosted me yet again for a lovely weekend of fruitful conversation, laughs, and suburban Philly walks.
One of the things my buddy and I did was a feedback exchange.
These can be tough. He even told me he was uncomfortable before he started diving into the things he wrote for me.
But I’ve done several of these now, and they have only led to…
• both parties growing/improving • deeper connection • intense gratitude
We had to answer these questions:
1) When have I hurt you?
2) What do you think would be most beneficial for me to improve?
3) What’s something you’d like me to know?
4) When have you been impressed by me?
5) What do you think I do better than most people?
On Monday, I’ll write about how it went and what I got out of it.