Aside from Sundays and the occasional vacation, I’ve written in this blog every morning for two years.
I plan on continuing for several decades, maybe even forever.
The thought of having a 50-year archive of my thoughts, challenges, and stories is captivating to me. Writing these posts has been wildly therapeutic and sharpening. And the fact that people seem to enjoy some of them…it’s an honor.
I’ll never charge a dime for this blog. I write blogs because I thoroughly love to.
But now there’s an option to support my work.
If you’ve ever gotten any value out of something I’ve done, feel free to donate what you think seems fitting. It’ll go toward my work and a portion goes to an organization battling climate change.
There’s also zero pressure to do any of that. Regardless, I’m going to keep typing away.
Whether you choose to donate or not, I couldn’t be more grateful for you taking time out of your day to read my stuff.
Thanks, thanks, and ever thanks!