Having an idea is fun. It’s perfect in all of its unknown potential. You have no idea what will become of it.
99% of the time, it will remain in your head and you’ll never attempt to make it tangible or bring it out into the real world. Because if you do, then it won’t be perfect anymore. It’ll be muddy, incomplete, worse than your friend or coworker’s idea. So we keep it bottled up, safe and sound, until years go by and we have an archive of all of these could have’s and should have’s…many of the best parts forgotten.
This is the first blog post on this website. And similar to the content of my YouTube channel and podcast, I have no idea if anyone will consume this. And I certainly have no idea if anyone will derive value from it. But what I do know is that if I just kept these ideas to myself, there stands a zero percent chance of reaching even one person. None of my dreams will be realized.
If you’re worried about beginning because your work will be garbage, don’t worry, it will be. The trick is to understand the value of sucking and keeping at it until you develop the potential quality your idea deserves. Here we go.