Three years ago, I was in the lowest place I’ve ever been.
Right now, I’m certain I’ve never been more happy or fulfilled.
I love the work I do. I love the relationships I’ve built. I love how I have fun and take care of my body.
How did I get here? Simple…
I’ve made sure to never waste a day.
I don’t mean that I’ve never taken a day off. There have been plenty of hungover afternoons in bed ordering DoorDash…
What I mean is that I’ve never taken a day off from pursuing my values–the things which are most important to me.
Thus is the life of an Essentialist: putting effort into the things that matter most…on a daily basis.
The result: you become 1% better/happier/more fulfilled each day.
This is an average, of course. There is always a push and pull. Two steps forward and one step back. Sometimes it’s more like eight steps forward and seven steps back.
But if you just keep moving at a steady pace (no need to sprint every single day), you’ll average out at about 1%.
Improving your skills. Expanding your comfort zone. Doing difficult things.
All of these inch you toward…(dare I say it?) your true potential (barf).
So why is it so fucking difficult to acquire a deeply fulfilling life?
Well, based on my 1% theory, the problem seems to be that no one really notices a 1% change.
When I read Dune earlier this year, turning one page out of 900 didn’t make me feel any closer to finishing it. I would read five chapters in a night and feel like my bookmark was in the same exact spot.
No matter how many times I pushed through Resistance and sat down to read, it felt like I wasn’t making any progress.
But that obviously wasn’t true. I eventually finished the tome. How? I just kept reading.
Consistently and intentionally pursuing your values every. single. day…You may not have a ton of orgasmic life-changing moments, but you will have some and those will be great. However, the real juice comes when you’ve been doing it for a while and can look back to see how far you’ve come.
There haven’t been any days where I’ve felt wildly different than I was the day before. But comparing who I am today to who I was three years ago…it’s like comparing myself to a stranger.
Keep going.
You don’t have to rush, just don’t stop.