I’m day 69,420 into writing my book. It feels that way at least.
When I decided to embark on this journey last August, I thought I could finish it by December…Silly, silly man.
I’ve pushed back the publish date several times now. Partly out of procrastination, but mostly out of necessity. Here’s what I mean.
When I started, I did what I tell others to do when they’re creating something. I reached out to my network. I asked everybody if they knew someone I should talk to. It was easy to find people to interview.
So I did. It was fun and super low pressure.
Then, I interviewed the hosts of my favorite movie podcast. Then, I email-interviewed my favorite author and speaker. And then, I interviewed an entrepreneur I look up to who wrote the article that inspired me to launch my business. And then, my favorite chess streamer and YouTuber responded to my email and asked to set up a call in May.
This thing is getting bigger. What a lovely problem to have.
I call it a “problem” for two reasons:
I’m still setting up calls with people which means more time is needed to write this thing.
To keep the book short and minimal, I’m choosing to cut out certain people I’ve interviewed. That makes me feel bad.
But on the upside, my confidence has soared as I’m getting people who are huge in my eyes to hop on a call and talk to me about what they’ve created. That lights me up.
Also, here’s the good thing about not being all big a famous with an enormous audience: there’s not a ton of people I can disappoint. Many people bought pre-sale copies of the book. But I doubt they’re checking their calendar and stressing over when they’ll get their $10 back (soon, my friends).
Anyway, here have been my biggest lessons so far:
Reach out to people. You can’t get what you want if you don’t ask for it. If they don’t respond, you’ve lost nothing because you already weren’t talking to them.
People LOVE being asked thought-provoking questions they’ve never been asked before.
Writing is easy. Sitting down to start writing feels impossible.
Stay tuned. ✌️