Here are all the things I’m proud of at the moment:
• The strength of my relationships • My fitness • My coaching business • The fact that I know at least basic martial arts skills • My intermediate chess abililites • This blog • My ability to listen to, connect with, and coach other human beings
What do they all have in common?
They’ve taken a fuck-ton of time (in metric units).
The cliche goes:
“It’s only taken me ten years to become an over-night success.”
Perhaps there are freaks of nature who are naturally good at the things they do. Good for them. But for the other 99% of us, getting great at the things we care about will take countless repetitions.
I’ve been writing this blog every day since October 2019. Those first pieces make me cringe. I had no idea how to string ideas together and I used big words to sound more academic. And for months, each blog was averaging two readers: myself and my super supportive friend. (Thanks Grace!)
Now, there are hundreds of folks tuning in each week and I couldn’t be more grateful. But that hasn’t happened because I’ve found the perfect way to market my stuff or because I’ve shoved it in the faces of enough people.
It’s like that because I’ve sat down each morning and typed out my thoughts. Eventually, I got a little better at writing. My average of two readers went up to three. Then four. And so on…
I’m always skeptical when I see ads like, “Get 100x MORE followers in ONE month!!”
Fuck off.
Maybe methods like that exist, maybe they don’t. I personally have zero interest.
The only thing I care about is consistently showing up to do the work.
This leads to improvement, which leads to higher quality, which leads to more value, which leads to more people interested, which leads to improvement, and on and on it goes…..