I’m not the least bit religious, but I do advocate for living a principled and value-driven life.
Here are my 10 Commandments.
Thou shalt…
Pursue a Growth Mindset—seeing everything as a lesson and a chance to improve.
Never be uncomfortable with your shirt off—remaining fit and active.
Treat every human being with the same amount of humor and respect—be they a CEO or a gardner.
Pick your battles, but be confident when expressing your ideas and opinions.
Cherish every minute of quality time you get with close friends and family.
Never order food or watch a show unless with another person.
Never take anything personally—especially rejection.
Go to the gym at least three times per week.
Never text while driving a car—even at a red light.
Spend more time in a day reading or having a conversation than staring at a screen.
Being human, I don’t stick to these perfectly. But having these guidelines has moved me drastically closer to the person I aim to be.
What are your commandments?