I did a fun exercise with a client yesterday.
I had him write out a typical, average day in his life—morning routine, workflow, diet/exercise habits, fun, partner/friend time, evening winddown…
Then he had to answer a question: If you lived this exact day every day, would it allow you to accomplish your goals in six months? A year? Three years?
In other words: If you change nothing about the way you live your life, will you get to where you want to go?
He gave me an image for it. He told me it’s like his life is a garden. “I know what plants I want to thrive in my garden. Are the seeds I’m planting and leaves I’m watering today going to grow those plants?”
“Not even close,” he said.
“Awesome,” I replied. “What would need to change? Where are the discrepancies?”
We talked about him putting himself out there more socially, delegating more responsibilities at work, and spending more time on side projects and hobbies.
He committed to going to an event: a meetup or a swing dance club, to hiring out more roles, and to dedicating an hour a week to something non-work-related.
A simple plan was made. But it all came from the question…